Looking for ways to get the week started, look at Xperia Play gameplay video! In this video we see a user loading up the Playstation ROMs for Resident Evil 2 and Ridge Racer via ROM Buddy. While this most likely won't be how actual Playstation games will be loaded into the phone for playing, it is a neat temporary solution.
Why do we think this is only temporary? Well as Kotaku mentions, it is very highly unlikely that Sony would allow users to download ROMs of the internet to play instead of actual games and charging for them. ROM Buddy is a great little application you can download off the Android Market which will help you find and install game ROMs for emulators on your phone.
There is also a longer video available which shows Biohazard 2, along with Resident Evil 2 and Ridge Racer, available for viewing at nowhereelse.fr (linked below), check it out. Hey Sony Ericsson, can we get one already? We're only just a total Android gaming site you know!
Website Referenced: nowhereelse via Kotaku
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