Sunday, January 2, 2011

Battleheart–A New RPG by Mika Mobile for Android, made with Unity3D.

Battleheart–A New RPG by Mika Mobile for Android, made with Unity3D.

Via a Twitter update, Mika Mobile provided us with the inside scoop that their currently unreleased Tactical RPG called "Battleheart" was built from the ground up using the Unity Engine with cross-platform porting in mind, making an Android release likely. How soon after an iOS release will we see it on our devices?

No word on that yet but they are planning around a January release for iOS. The game is currently a Beta stage but obviously with release around the corner, it must be in pretty good shape with testing going well.


Battleheart doesn't currently have a price yet but Mike Mobile promises that this will be their deepest game yet, with their other games being "OMG Pirates!" and "Zombieville". Something cool to learn while snooping around the FAQs for their other games is that once Battlehearts is released, they will be looking into porting all of their games to Android. Their other games are successes on the App Store for Apple so I would expect sales to be nice on Android, too.

To check out all of their products, head on over to their website at or follow them on Twitter via @MikaMobile. OMG Pirates! looks like a great game, one to keep your eye open for in 2011 as well.



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