Monday, January 3, 2011

Worms by EA are coming for your Android!

Worms by EA are coming for your Android!worms by ea for android

Over at XDA, a user named Silviantrius has posted some screenshots of the game along with a nice little video of it running on an HTC Desire with Android 2.2. Interestingly enough, the user is saying that it is available.

Well it is not available just yet, at least not publicly on either the Android Market or the EA Mobile store, unless it is hiding somewhere, we can't find it. How they got their hands on this is pretty interesting to think about. Worms will be a highly sought after game when it is released for Android as our previous post about it and the reaction to it shows.


There is also another user on the French website who also seems to have a copy of it. Whether or not this is the same person is not yet known. Until then though, we can be sure of a couple of things:

1) Worms for Android is coming and looks damn near finished

2) Lots of people will be playing this game.

Whether or not this is the final version of the game to be released or not isn't known. Check out both videos below!

Developer Website: EA Mobile

Websites Referenced: XDA | htc-dev (French)


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